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Fusion Sustainability

As part of the NFU’s goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the whole of Agriculture in England and Wales by 2040, NWF Agriculture has and will continue to introduce steps to manage and reduce our carbon footprint through improving efficiencies, raw material sourcing, renewables, manufacturing processes and more.

As an industry that utilises by-products to produce food for a growing population, the agricultural sector already has strong sustainable credentials. Every stakeholder has a role play in further improving agriculture’s position. NWF Agriculture; as a carbon contributor and as a feed manufacturer, our activity can start with the best possible feed options.

Fusion Sustainability

NWF Fusion Feed Range

We will continue to develop our Fusion feed range, developing sustainable compound rations for Dairy Cows, Beef Cattle & Sheep. For more information on the NWF Fusion Feed range, please speak to your local NWF Sales Specialist.

NWF Fusion Pro

A high-performance ration that contains high levels of Ultra Pro-R and Ultra Starch W to ensure high levels of bypass protein and starch to support high performing cows.

NWF Fusion Dairy

A high energy feed with good glucogenic nutrients to support milk production and early lactation.

Available at 16% and 18% protein.

NWF HDF Fusion

High fibre compound with quality ingredients formulated to balance high starch or grazing diets. Ideal for systems requiring high milk fats.

Available at 16% and 18% protein.

NWF Fusion Rearer

A specialist rearer diet to complement grass silage and grass-based diets. As part of NWF’s Fusion range, it is formulated with raw material provenance in mind, whilst supporting performance and does not contain soya, soya hulls or palm kernel.

Available at 16% and 18% protein.

NWF Fusion Blends

Bespoke blends can be formulated to optimise home grown forage and feeds, without the use of soya, soya hulls and palm kernel.

For further information on our fusion ranges, please head to our dairy and beef feed ranges.

For further information on our sustainability plans and how NWF Agriculture is making industry-leading and industry-altering changes to reduce our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, please get in touch on 0800 756 2787

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